Tuesday, April 14, 2009

He Really Does Make Mistakes

On March 19, 59 days into his Presidency, President Obama made an appearance on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. He is the first President to ever do so, and I am sure it was a move to personalize himself with the nation. Starting off the interview, Leno and President Obama discussed the economy, the AIG scandal, and our President even bashed on the Secret Service. About mid way through the interview, President Obama, clearly too comfortable in the environment, made a comment that offended millions around the nation.

“I imagine the bowling alley [in the White House] has just been just burned and closed down," Leno said.

Obama replied, “No, no. I have been practicing, I bowled a 129. It's like — it was like Special Olympics, or something."


Even Leno was a little taken aback, uttering, "No no. That's uh...uh very good." For a President to make a remark as such, it is very foolish. Unfortunately for Obama, he did not know that the Special Olympics is not a program to make fun of, especially on national television. Not only was it not funny, but it was hurtful to millions of Americans, disabled or not. The Special Olympics, a non profit organization founded in 1968, holds world competitions every other year for the mentally and physically disabled. It is a promising and compassionate organization.

Before the show aired, White House officials made sure apologies were made. President Obama is reported to personally call Special Olympics Chairman Tim Shriver and apologize for the remark, as he should have. It is even reported that Obama invited Special Olympic athletes to play basketball and bowl at the White House.

Was the comment appropriate? No. Did President Obama make a mistake? Obviously. Should he be forgiven? That is up to you. We all make mistakes, and we all say things we do not mean, however this is the ultimate example of how words really do hurt, no matter if its jestful or not. Hate language needs to be depleted from the dialogues of all citizens, including our politicians.

So think before you speak, be considerate of others, and be educated of what you say.


Follow the link to see the actual video of Obama's comment

1 comment:

  1. You go girl. I was flipping when President Obama said this. You know how I feel. Special Olympics is truly an incredible organization, one in which all are treated with respect and given the opportunity to excell and belong. To watch a Special Olympics competition is amazing and puts all things in life in perspective. I truly loved man but lost all respect when he said that. Yes, we all make mistakes and say mean hurtful things. You are right, we must think before we speak, especially the President of the United States.
