Friday, April 17, 2009

Miracle Med

Amphetamine-dextroamphetamine, better known as Adderall, used to be the diet pill of choice in the 1960s. Today, more than ever, it is students' number one study aid. The drug is perscribed to individuals diagnosed with ADD and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, but that does not mean students who are not diagnosed cannot get the drug. In fact, most students who take the drug, or have taken the drug in the past, have gotten it from a friend perscribed to the medicine. So what is all the buzz about?

College students have a never ending flow of school work. Research papers, experiments, group presentations, etc. consume the lives of these students, giving little time for enjoyment of any sort and create sky rocketed stress levels. Professors seem to either not care, or adore the tough love approach of teaching. If students want to pass, they must get the work done, or pay outrageous prices (sometimes literally).

So what is the miracle med? Is it coffee? Is it RedBull? No, its adderall, a prescription drug used by millions of Americans, especially students, to help concentrate, study, and altogether get the work done needed to succeed. Adderall is the most common study drug, mostly due to its ability to enhance concentration and suppress appetites.

Should college students learn to deal with the pressures of an undergraduate? Since I am a college student, and will sympathize with my fellow struggling students, I suggest professors lighten up on the work load. Come on folks, I need a life outside the books!

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