Thursday, May 14, 2009

Movie Let Down...Ghosts of Girlfriends Stay In The PAST!

It was Mother's Day. Figuring the supposed romantic comedy would be happy, hysterical, and haughty, my mother and I decided to go see the film, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past. What we didn't know was the movie aims to make women look desperate, slutty, pathetic, and completely vulnerable when it comes to a good looking man. Not only that, but the men in the movie are complete pigs. Mid way through the movie (when about half of the women in the film saw him cheating on them and continued to beg for his attention) I decided I had had enough. I attempted to leave but decided to stay and see if maybe this ass-hole would get what he deserved. But what do you know! He gets the girl in the end, sorry for ruining it! In my opinion, one of the worst movies ever made, in regards to the respect of women. The movie failed to be romantic, or funny. In a country where a woman could run for presidency, I did not think a movie would be made so degrading. For the men, maybe this movie can teach you WHAT NOT TO BE. Higher hopes for the next Matthew Mcconaughey film.

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